Wild woman, let me hear you roar!

I’ve invited Sharif Joynson, an embodiment coach for men and a martial arts master 🤺  to talk to you about what it is that makes a woman so damn sexy to guys that are really worth it. (He should know...he's worked with loads of men who tell him why). 

Embodying the qualities that Sharif will describe tonight will not only make you feel more sexy, but they will help you to feel more powerful and alive in all areas of your life. 

💎 You’ll live more truthfully than you ever have. 

💎 And move from a space of complete confidence and deep inner knowing. 

💎 And there is no deeper satisfaction than living a life from this place. 

You’ve already got the wild in you. It’s just a matter of bringing this part of you to life. 

Of feeling it throughout your body as you expand into it – and yourself, fully.

Watch the video to learn how to begin to awaken the Wild within you.