All about lube Part 2 - What is the right kind to use when

If you’re anything like me, you are super careful about what you put into or onto your body.

I prefer natural, organic, chemical-free products because yes, my body is a temple.

And so, whilst I prefer to use natural oils like coconut as lube, it’s not the best choice for everyone.

Choose your lube carefully depending on whether you’re going for a sexy experience with a toy or condoms, and how your body reacts to whatever you put on it or in it.

Here’s what medical herbalist and natural intimate lubricant creator Kathie Bishop has to say about which lube to choose.

Do I need a different type of lube if I'm using a toy versus sex with a condom versus no protection with a trusted partner?

In general, the answer is yes. There are four main types of lubricant available and they each have their own features:


Good for use in virtually all situations, water based lubricants are safe for use even with condoms and toys and generally won’t stain the sheets… Might not be long lasting enough though for anal play (the anus doesn’t have a mucosal lining, and therefore doesn’t produce any of its own lubrication so always needs generous lubricant application).


Also long lasting and often hypoallergenic, this can be more suitable for water based play and anal sex. Definitely not suitable for use with toys!


These lubes are water based with a small amount of silicone, making a creamy texture, which combines the best aspects of both types, long lasting lubrication and versatility. Some maybe suitable for use with toys but always to do a patch test first!!!


Very long lasting, great for low reapplication rate, an oil based lube can be great for massage too – just not for condom use! It can also play havoc with the vaginal pH.

What kind of lube is right for me + how can I decide?  

There are a few factors that you might want to consider when choosing your lube such as what you want to use it for, where and with whom/what. And don’t forget, you can buy more than one for use in different situations!

Do you have any sensitivities?

Many women know if they have any vaginal sensitivities or irritation, but some women only realise when they have a reaction to a product. If you do have these kinds of sensitivities, look for lubes that avoid glycerine or promises such as warming, flavour or tingling etc. Instead look for a lube that promises to be pH balanced to intimate pH of between 3.8 – 4.5, and has an osmolarity of less than 380mOsm/kg – meaning that it will not dry out vaginal tissues.

You may also want to avoid lubes with any of these ‘nasties’ as ingredients.

Is natural important to you?

Vaginal mucosa is some of the most absorbent tissue of the body – meaning that a high percentage of what goes on it, gets into the bloodstream. You should be totally fine with whatever lube you use to get into your mouth too! With this in mind, are natural, non-toxic ingredients important to you? Check the full ingredients list. Some products call themselves natural, and do have some natural ingredients in, but just not their full list. Know what you’re putting in your body using the info here.

Do you use any barrier method contraception?

In this case you should be using a water or silicon based lube.

Are you trying to conceive?

Then make sure you use a lube that is pro-conception – the pH of sperm is much higher (at around pH6) and a pro-conception lube will have matching pH. It is worth bearing in mind that these lubes may irritate your vagina because of these pH issues.

Are you going to go anal?

A silicone or thick water based lube may be better here. Silicone lasts longer than a water based one, and oil wouldn’t be suitable here due to the use of condoms (a barrier method is a good idea here to prevent the transmission of any potential HIV).

Are you using a toy?

Then make sure you use a water based, not a silicone based lube, as silicone based ones could depredate the surface of a toy, especially if its made from silicone – if in doubt, go with a water based one.

As you can see, there’s a lot more to gain from using the right lube and lots of experimentation and fun to be had! Introduce lube into your intimate encounters as you would any other idea, with confidence. And enjoy!!

Kathie Bishop MNIMH is a medical herbalist and the founder of Into the Wylde, an award winning natural intimate lubricant brand that is registered with the Vegan Society and The Soil Association.

She also runs the clinic The Wylde Herbalist, where she helps women transform their vaginal health. She firmly believes that lube is for every women, not just around and beyond menopause, and that everything is better with right one. 

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash