3 sexy summertime aphrodisiacs

And let’s face it - dating can be stressful.

I’m here to help you make pre-date feel luxurious by encouraging you to indulge in the luscious sips I’ve selected.

Aphrodisiacs are super fun.

And delicious.

And sexy. 

Dive in!

Chili Lime Mango Margaritas

Sexy ingredient: Chili

Effects: Relieves anxiety symptoms

How: Goodbye butterflies! Releases the chemicals endorphins (relief of pain) + dopamine (reward + pleasure) in the brain which can trigger euphoria similar to a runner’s high

Get the recipe here.

Fresh Mint and Ginger Lemonade

Sexy ingredient: Ginger

Effects: Plumping of the lips. Increases libido.

How: Improves blood flow and circulation naturally. Antioxidants to help you feel and look your best.

Get the recipe here.

Iced Hot Chocolate (with Rose Petals - optional)

Sexy ingredient: Chocolate 

Effects: heart opening. Energising.

How: two chemicals it contains - tryptophan, a building block of serotonin, a brain chemical involved in sexual arousal. And phenylethylamine, a stimulant released in the brain when people fall in love.

Get the recipe here.

For extra romance add a sprinkling of rose petals to your glass. Mmmmm…Thanks to Meredith at Food at Heart for this gorgeous suggestion.

Soft truth: 

The amounts of the sexy substances in these summery drinks are likely too small to have any actual measurable effect on desire according to science.

But I know that filling yourself with pleasure is the best way to counter nerves and bring sense of ease and joy to you that will transform how you date. 

So if a placebo brings pleasure. I’m in.