Envy is my superfuel

I consider myself a champion for other women.

Yet oftentimes when confronted with a truly powerful woman, someone who owns it fully, and especially when she's sensationally sexy, I would find myself disregarding, criticizing or shaming her, even if it was only in my head.

‘What’s she doing being so flirty!’, I’d think. Or ‘She should maybe think twice before wearing that’, would fire off in my mind.

You see, I am a champion for women. But only those women that express the parts of me that I have accepted and loved and were valued by my family and friends.

And this is so so limiting.

So I catch myself now.

And look at what exactly it is about the woman in front of me that has brought up these thoughts and along with them feelings of disdain and disrespect.

And I find her in me.

Recent discoveries include:

The little girl who wanted to be a beautiful goddess but didn’t know how – she learned she might have gotten attacked or kidnapped if she stood out too much.

The teenager who was too afraid to express her wild desire for sex – it was wrong and shameful to be so full of turn on.

The woman who was too scared to be seen as sexy because that meant she was a slut and manipulative and would not be accepted by her band of strong, intelligent and powerful women.

It didn’t safe for most of my life to be what these other women so daringly are.

And so I too was a slut-shamer. I too let my envy for women able to own and express their sexiness turn into negative thoughts and disrespect.

I believe that men and women should hold equal power in the world.

And what gives us true power is ownership, love and acceptance of all of ourselves.

We women hold the world inside of us. That means that every single quality out there, we’ve got inside of us somewhere.

It remains untapped, hidden potential, until one day you decide to open it up, and live the power, beauty, and magic you see in others.

It’s been in you all along.