Middle life, you're lookin' sexy – making the shift

Middle life feels messy. The first time I’ve TRULY wrapped my arms around the fact that I am, indeed, in that phase of life was about 3 days ago.

I’ll be 49 years old this year (not till June, but who’s counting!). And whilst yes, it’s just a number, there are some clear indicators that I’m ready to shift into a new phase of life.

And embrace it.

Because rituals for moving through the different seasons of life are with us no longer.

And yet they would serve us well.
As they help us to let go of the safety of where we have been – and have outgrown. 
And prepare for and leverage the opportunities of the new space we’re moving into.

In my case, the not-so-sexy-sounding MID-LIFE. 
That nebulous place where society and culture have taught us is…well…kind of boring. Just blah. 
Wow, was I wrong. Were WE wrong.

Marking the turn into mid-life for me is only just taking shape and form as I look for guidance from those who have walked before me and are leading the way.

And it’s looking pretty damn ssss…errrmmm….
Sexy, yes.
(both get capital ’s’’s).

I’m considering taking time away from things (scary) to really think about what I want this next stage of my life to look like (sexy!).

Who have I become? 
What have I done that I’ve loved? 
And want to bring forward into this next stage in life? 
What gets left behind? Mourned? Grieved? Relieved? 
How do I want to live moving forward?
How do I want to work? 
How do I want to love?

I have the power of choice (what a privilege) on determining the answers to this.

I have the tools and skills to do it more swiftly and with greater clarity than I would otherwise.

I’ve got the support of those around me – therapists, coaches, community – to hold me through it.

Now it’s up to me to CREATE SPACE. 
And move courageously towards a new future me.

Big words. 
Small steps.

I’m ready.

Are you?

If you're entering this phase of life and would love guidance on how to navigate the waters of dating and early-stage relationships, send me a message and we'll talk about how coaching with me can support you.