You don't have to lose your independence (or power) to be in a relationship

One of the biggest fears that I hear from strong, independent women is that they’ll have to give up their independence if they are in a relationship.

They say this with such a fierce determination and defensiveness that I can’t help but feel beneath their words.

I feel fear that with that loss of independence, they’ll also lose their power.

I’m writing this post at the time of the harvest moon. The Autumn Equinox.

There’s a bit of a chill to the air and a sparkling sunshine that warms my face and softens that edge just a little. What perfect balance.


Balance is what yesterday’s Equinox, which marked the shift from one season to the next, is all about.


And balance in relationships, and the power balance in particular is what I’ve been exploring in Jade Bliss and with my private coaching clients.


How can we feel power ‘with’ a potential partner. And what does that look like exactly?


As a woman who’s empowered and independent, what does inter-dependence look like when she’s no longer single?

  • What does power feel like?

  • How might our sense of it shift when we’re in an intimate relationship?

  • What space wants to be created in body, heart and mind to allow for the WITH without losing any of the I or me

We’ve been brought up on power OVER

  • Countless generations of women who’ve had to submit / give up / sacrifice for marriage and partnership

  • Patriarchy outside of the home, which in so many forms which serves no one well – men included

  • Competition from a young age at school and having survival of the fittest instilled in our beings

I’ll admit it, it’s taken my body a minute this week to adjust to longer nights as the sun rises later in the day. 

The harvest moon, full bright and powerful this month made me extra jittery and disrupted my normally solid sleep pattern. 

Balancing is taking a minute when it comes to understanding power as a woman in an intimate relationship.

And so might it with you. 

Perhaps get pencil to paper

And then set body to movement


As you ponder the question :

'How does 'power with' feel in you: body heart soul energy?'


It’s a new season for humankind.

Here is one more turning of the dial.


How will you live it? In love as in life?

So that you can have independence and feel empowered within relationship.

Whilst benefitting from the potential for growth in a healthy, intimate relationship as you experience steady support in becoming even more powerful than you were on your own.

We’re not here to do it alone.

And whilst togetherness does not have to come through intimate relationships, it is a beautiful and life-changing thing when it does.