Build Supreme Confidence in Dating - Part 2

Part 2 of a 3 Part FB LIVE series ( on how to uncover what is really blocking you from feeling confident by deep diving into your body – it holds the answer! 

Take notes in this Playbook for Part 2 – it'll help you record and remember what you learn as we go along. 

Get the { FREE } Playbook for Part 2

I now manage the ebbs and flows of dating (and of life) by learning how to recognize and become intimately familiar with the parts of me that hold me back from really going for it. 

And you can do it too. 

Often what holds us back are bits of us that are trying to look out for us – they just don't feel like it's going to be safe for us to have exactly what we want, whether that's a relationship or just to have a really good time on a date! 

Might sound a bit crazy, but I've seen through coaching numerous clients and in going through the process countless times, that this is it. Simple, right? 

Good news is that once you recognize and understand these parts of you, you can take care of them so that they quietly step to the side as you move forwards towards supreme confidence. Oh, yeah! 

There are also supports within you that you can call on for help. We'll begin to uncover these too in this 2nd part. 

It will be in Part 3 though where we really give our supports the permission to really flex their muscles and show us the superpowers they have. 

For everyone it's different. What you uncover and what you hold inside of you to fuel your confidence is yours alone. Once you get to know yourself this intimately, the open sea of dating will feel less daunting and you won't feel so frustrated, lost, confused or alone out there. 

SHARE the love with those you think could use it! ❤️

Catch me every Wednesday at 8PM GMT on Facebook Live where I talk about all things love, sex + relationships: