The real secret to absolute confidence in dating (and life)

The real secret to absolute confidence in dating (and life)

We don’t talk about how being confident in life means being confident in your sexuality, in feeling sexy, in expressing that gorgeous flavour of life fully.

And we don’t learn how to be sexually confident either.

Self-pleasure can help with all that. This video can help you get started.

Are relationships (the long-lasting, hot and sexy kind) really worth it? Part 2

Are relationships (the long-lasting, hot and sexy kind) really worth it? Part 2

The building blocks of a good strong relationship begin in dating. And knowing how to ‘date well’ and ‘choose well’ is critical to you getting the long-lasting beautiful love that you want.

We explore how to move beyond bewildering biology and brainy analysis by embracing both and adding a bit of consciousness to the mix so that you can make a top choice in love.